Sign-up to have a #BlackLivesMatter Lawn Sign delivered to your lawn!!

BLM lawn sign image

EDIT: This post is from 2016. Currently we are sold out of BLM signs. We are in the process of getting more. Please fill out this form if you are interested in being notified when we have them in stock.


Click here to fill out out a form for a Black Lives Matter sign to be delivered to your lawn for you. These signs will all be delivered once enough people have signed up and based on our delivery volunteer’s schedule. The hope is that around 100 signs will go up all at once and that this will be a meaningful visible statement to folks in the Burlington area community. If you live outside of the Burlington area you are welcome to still fill out the form and we will try our best to get a sign to you. Also anyone can come by the PJC anytime and pick up a sign. The idea is that having one day when around 100 signs go up all at once may give folks in this community a real visual reaction and prompt even more dialogue about racism and the need for racial justice in this community. Please sign-up and encourage others to as well. Thanks for all of your ongoing support.