Welcome to the Peace & Justice Center
Since 1981, the Peace & Justice Center has been a Vermont leader in creating a just and peaceful world, tackling the interconnected issues of human rights and economic, social, and environmental justice.
What We Do:
The PJC leads our own campaigns but also works for collective liberation with other local and grassroots organizations and activists on the issues that matter the most to us. We host justice-based workshops and events for the public and individual organizations. We run a small storefront dedicated to creating opportunities to educate local consumers on issues such as child labor and livable wages.
Learn more about our work:
Our Mission:
We use education, advocacy, and activism to advance the interconnected issues of human rights and economic, social, and environmental justice. We seek true and meaningful peace within and beyond Vermont.
Support our Work:
The Peace & Justice Center is a membership-based organization. Members of the PJC support positive social change, locally and globally.
Our Foundation:
The premise of Peace & Justice Center’s work is that our political, social, and economic institutions were built on principles that favored some (male, white, typically abled, straight, cis-gendered, wealthy, powerful) at the expense of others (women and gender nonconforming people, people of color, differently abled, LGBTQI, the 99%, and the nonviolent).
These dynamics are embedded in our culture’s DNA. The PJC is committed to raising awareness of injustice, redressing the harms of generational oppression, and equipping people with tools to lead viable social change movements that include and empower all people and ultimately, create a peaceful and just world.