Racial Justice Work in VT Webinar Follow Up

We were grateful to host the webinar on Racial Justice Work in Vermont. Being able to highlight such a range of work related to Racial Justice was inspiring.

It is our hope that people who attended will choose at least one group to get involved with a long term commitment. Most of these groups need member, volunteers, and donors. Please give deeply of your time and resources. More people need to do more.

For folks of color looking for affinity spaces, please connect with Black Lives Matter of Greater Burlington, The Root Social Justice Center, and us, the PJC. (Contact info below.)

There were expenses for the PJC to put on this free webinar. Please consider becoming a member so you can join and sustain our work. Membership starts at $15/year or through volunteering.

For those who weren’t able to attend, or for others wanted to share the event, here is a video of the webinar. It begins at minute 5:55 due to some technical complications we had.

A word on anti-militarism and it’s intersection with racism
To get more involved in the effort to cancel the unjust, environmentally and globally racist F-35 basing, and to work together towards a grounded and powerful local anti-military movement, please join this facebook group and/or contact Jennifer Decker at (802) 922-0316.

Prison and Police Abolition
For those who had questions and want more information on abolition movements, Critical Resistance is a great place to start. And for Police Abolition, check out The Marshall Project‘s curated list of resources. Groups working for decarceration and decriminalization in Vermont include the ACLU of Vermont, Vermonters for Criminal Justice Reform, and the Women’s Justice & Freedom Initiative.

Policy Change to Address Policing in Burlington
For those with ideas for and interest in organizing for police reform through policy change in Burlington, please contact rachel@pjcvt.org. We would like to be part of organizing in advance of July’s Police Commission meeting to create a coordinated effort to uplift BLMGB’s demands.

Financial Reparations
Use this growing list black individuals in Vermont to support through direct financial reparations. This is a document was made by some friends of the PJC who we are incredibly grateful to.

Media by POC
In answer to some comments, here is an incomplete list of media made by POC.

Voting Rights
If you don’t believe electoral politics matter for Racial Justice, you have to ask why the right wing works so hard to suppress Black voter rights. Please watch Suppressed: The Fight to Vote which is a 37 minute documentary about the 2018 midterm election where Stacey Abrams fought to become the first Black female governor in the U.S.

Racial Justice Education
Check out the following groups if you are looking for educational or training programs:
CQ Strategies
Abundant Sun
Seed the Way
PJC’s educational programs

And here is the list of participating groups from the panel:

The Windham County Branch of the NAACP
Contact: Steffen Gillom – Branch President; Sarah Wiggins – Branch Secretary
president@windhamnaacp.org OR info@windhamnaacp.org
Windham NAACP website
Windham NAACP facebook

Rutland Area Branch of the NAACP
Contact: Tabitha Moore – Branch President
Rutland NAACP website
Rutland NAACP facebook

Black Lives Matter– Greater Burlington (BLMGB)
BLMGB Website
BLMGB Facebook
BLMGB Instagram
BLMGB petition
BLMGB Coordinated Action Form
POC Caucus
White Caucus for Collective Liberation

The Root Social Justice Center
Contact: Tara O’Brien
The Root SJC website
The Root SJC facebook

Community Voices for Immigrant Rights (CVIR)
CVIR facebook
CVIR twitter
CVIR instagram

Vermont Coalition for Ethnic and Social Equity in Schools (VCESES)
Contact: Alyssa Chen
VCESES website
If you’d like to join our listserve and learn more about us please fill out this form.
VCESES facebook

Lost River Racial Justice (LRRJ)
LRRJ website
Facebook: Lost River Racial Justice
For White Folks to get involved in southern VT

Showing Up for Racial Justice – Burlington (SURJ-BTV)
Contact: Susan Schoenfeld
SURJ-BTV facebook

Middlebury Showing Up for Racial Justice (Middlebury SURJ)
Contact: Joanna Colwell
Middlebury SURJ website
Middlebury SURJ facebook

Loving Day Vermont (LDVT)
Contact: Sarah Brown
LDVT website
LDVT instagram
LDVT facebook

Vermonters for Justice in Palestine (VTJP)
Contact: Wafic Faour
VTJP website
VTJP facebook

Justicia Migrante/Migrant Justicia
Contact: Madeline Sharrow or Marita Canedo
MJ website
MJ facebook
MJ twitter
MJ instagram
MJ youtube

Human Rights Commission
Contact: Bor Yang / Amanda Garces / John McKelvie
human.rights@vermont.gov  or bor.yang@vermont.gov
HRC website
HRC facebook
HRC twitter

Justice For All/Racial Justice Alliance (JFA)
Contact: Mark Hughes
JFA website

Peace & Justice Center (PJC)
Contact: Kina Thorpe or Rachel Siegel
program@pjcvt.org or rachel@pjcvt.org
PJC facebook

Rise Upper Valley!; VT and NH Lawyers Guild
Asma Elhuni
Police and prison abolition work

State of Vermont Representative Diana González

Please join the work of at least one of these groups through time or money! Again, we need more people doing more.

And remember, there were expenses for the PJC to put on this free webinar. Please consider becoming a member so you can join and sustain our work. Membership starts at $15/year or through volunteering.